Canadian Beverage Industry Database
All Canadian Beverage Marketplace Profiles include:
- Detailed company contact information
- Chief operating personnel
- Total number of employees
- Brands distributed/manufactured/imported
- Headquarter contact information if the particular location is a subsidiary
Carbonated Soft Drink Distributor/Bottler profiles provide you with:
- Brands distributed/manufactured
- Total number of delivery vehicles
- Dollar volume at a particular location
- For manufacturing facilities, profiles provide:
- Bottling Lines – Hot Fill
- Bottling Lines – Carbonated
- Canning Lines
- Aseptic Lines
- Manufacturing Capacity (Soft Drink cases produced)
Bottled Water Distributor/Manufacturer listings include (if applicable):
- Brands distributed/manufactured
- Total number of delivery vehicles
- Dollar volume at a particular locations
- Bottling Lines – Still
- Bottling Lines – Carbonated
- Canning Lines
- Aseptic Lines
- Manufacturing Capacity (Bottled Water cases produced)
Brewers, Craft/Microbrewers, Wineries, Distilleries and Importers include:
- Brands Manufactured/Imported
- Number of Franchised Wholesalers
- Manufacturing Capacity including:
- Beer - brewing capacity in total barrels
- Wine/Cider – capacity in total gallons
- Distilled Spirits – capacity in total gallons
- Production Lines:
- Total number of bottling lines
- Total number of canning lines
- Total number of keg lines (beer only)
Soft Drink Franchisors and Sport Beverages/Energy Drinks include:
- Franchised brands owned
- Bottling Lines – Hot Fill
- Bottling Lines – Cold Fill
- Bottling Lines – Carbonated
- Canning Lines
- Aseptic Lines
- Sports/Energy Drink cases produced
This database is available in Microsoft Excel and CSV formats.