U.S. Alcohol Beverage Industry Database
All Beverage Company Profiles provide you with:
- Detailed company contact information
- Chief operating personnel
- Total number of employees
- Brands distributed/manufactured/imported
- Headquarter contact information if the particular location is a subsidiary
Alcoholic Beverage Distributors include:
- Total number of delivery Vehicles
- Dollar volume at a particular location
- Product listings broken out via category:
- Beer
- Nationally brewed products
- Regional brewed products
- Craft/Micro-brewed products
- Imported products from around the globe
- Wine/Cider
- National wine products
- Craft/Artisanal wine/cider products
- Imported products from around the globe
- Distilled Spirits
- National distilled spirit products
- Craft/artisanal distilled spirit products
- Imported products from around the globe
Breweries/Craft/Microbreweries/Wineries/Cider Makers/Distilleries/Importers include:
- Products produced by leading national and regional producers
- Up-and-Coming craft/artisanal products
- Imported products from brewers/wineries/cider/distilleries from around the world
- Number of franchised wholesalers
- Manufacturing capacity including:
- Beer – brewing capacity in total barrels
- Wine/Cider – capacity in total gallons
- Distilled Spirits – capacity in total gallons
- Production Lines:
- Total number of bottling lines
- Total number of canning lines
- Total number of keg lines (beer only)
This database is available in Microsoft Excel and CSV formats.